Relocating & Reinventing Yourself: Artist Donna Spatidol

Embracing Change and Adventure: One Woman's Journey to Find a New Hometown After 50



Life after 50 is often portrayed as a time of settling down, but for Donna, a solo traveler and recent empty nester, it marked the beginning of an exciting new chapter. After selling her home on Cape Cod, Donna embarked on a journey to find a new place to call home, embracing the challenges and joys of solo travel along the way.


The Decision to Sell and Hit the Road:

For Donna, the decision to sell her home and hit the road was not a sudden one. It was a feeling that grew over a couple of years, as her children established their own lives in San Diego. Donna realized that she wanted to do something for herself and explore the beauty of the United States. Although some people expected her to move closer to her kids, Donna knew that this was her time to discover new places and experiences.


Traveling Solo with Two Dogs:

One of the unique aspects of Donna's journey is that she's traveling with her two beloved dogs. While this adds an extra layer of complexity to her travels, Donna has found ways to make it work. She's learned to be mindful of her dogs' needs, such as taking breaks during long drives and finding accommodations that allow pets. Although it's not always easy, Donna's dogs provide her with companionship and a sense of home on the road.


Discovering the Joys of Cold Water Plunging:

During her travels, Donna discovered the benefits of cold water plunging, a practice that involves immersing oneself in cold water for short periods. What began as a curiosity quickly became a passion, as Donna found that cold water plunging helped with her arthritis, boosted her immune system, and provided a sense of mental clarity and calm. Now, Donna makes it a point to find bodies of water wherever she goes, even if it means taking a dip in a chilly lake or stream.


Exploring Potential Hometowns:

Donna's journey has taken her to various parts of the United States, from the coast of Maine to the mountains of Tennessee. Along the way, she's explored potential hometowns, considering factors such as climate, proximity to family, and overall vibe. One of the standout places for Donna has been the Nashville area, which she's visited twice. Despite not being a big country music fan, Donna finds herself drawn to the friendly people and laid-back lifestyle of Nashville.


Challenges and Rewards of Solo Travel:

Traveling solo as a woman in her 50s has its challenges, but Donna has found that the rewards far outweigh the difficulties. She's learned to trust her intuition, be mindful of her safety, and embrace the freedom that comes with being on her own schedule. Donna has also found a supportive community of fellow solo travelers, particularly through Facebook groups dedicated to van life for women.


Lessons Learned and Advice for Others:

Through her travels, Donna has learned valuable lessons about herself and what she wants in life. She's discovered the importance of trusting her instincts, being open to new experiences, and not rushing into decisions. For others considering a similar journey, Donna advises taking the leap and not waiting for the "perfect" time. She also emphasizes the importance of having a support system, whether it's family, friends, or a community of like-minded travelers.


Looking to the Future:

As Donna continues her search for a new hometown, she remains open to the possibilities that lie ahead. Whether she ends up in Nashville, returns to the Northeast, or discovers a new corner of the country, Donna knows that this journey has been a valuable one. She's learned to embrace change, trust in herself, and find joy in the unexpected.



Donna's story is a testament to the fact that it's never too late to start a new chapter in life. By embracing solo travel and the search for a new hometown, Donna has discovered a sense of purpose and adventure that many people only dream of. Her journey is an inspiration to anyone who's considering a major life change, whether it's downsizing, relocating, or simply embracing a more nomadic lifestyle. With an open heart and a willingness to learn, Donna shows us that the best adventures often begin after 50.


10 Fun Facts About Relocation Trends in the United States:


1. According to a 2021 United Van Lines study, Idaho, South Carolina, and Oregon were the top three states for inbound moves.


2. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the trend of people moving from urban areas to smaller cities and towns, seeking more space and a lower cost of living.


3. Remote work has made it possible for many people to relocate without changing jobs, leading to an increase in "Zoom towns" – small cities and towns with attractive amenities and lower costs of living.


4. The Sun Belt states, such as Florida, Texas, and Arizona, continue to be popular destinations for retirees and those seeking warmer climates.


5. The Carolinas have seen a surge in popularity among relocators, thanks to their mild climates, lower costs of living, and thriving job markets.


6. Denver, Colorado, has consistently ranked as one of the top cities for Millennial relocators, drawn by its outdoor recreation opportunities and thriving tech scene.


7. The Pacific Northwest, particularly Oregon and Washington, has seen an influx of relocators seeking a more laid-back lifestyle, access to nature, and a mild climate.


8. The "Great Resignation" has led to an increase in people relocating for new job opportunities, particularly in industries such as tech, healthcare, and e-commerce.


9. The rise of the "FIRE" (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement has led to more people relocating to lower-cost areas to stretch their retirement savings further.


10. According to a 2021 Redfin survey, nearly one-third of Americans would consider relocating if remote work became a permanent option, highlighting the potential for significant shifts in population distribution in the coming years.


10 Facts About Changing Your Life After 50:


1. The average life expectancy in the United States is 78.7 years, meaning that many people have nearly 30 years of life to enjoy after turning 50.


2. A 2019 AARP survey found that 76% of adults over 50 want to stay in their current homes as they age, but many are open to downsizing or relocating to more suitable housing.


3. The divorce rate for people over 50, often called "gray divorce," has doubled since the 1990s, leading to more people starting new chapters in their lives after 50.


4. Many people over 50 are embracing entrepreneurship, with 50+ entrepreneurs starting businesses at nearly twice the rate of Millennials.


5. The concept of "encore careers" – starting a new career or pursuing a passion project after 50 – has gained popularity, with many people seeking more meaningful and fulfilling work later in life.


6. Lifelong learning is becoming increasingly popular among people over 50, with many pursuing new degrees, certifications, or skills to support their personal and professional growth.


7. Volunteerism and philanthropy often increase after 50, as people seek to give back to their communities and leave a positive legacy.


8. The empty nest phase, when children leave home, can be a catalyst for people over 50 to pursue new hobbies, travel, or make significant life changes.


9. Maintaining social connections and a strong sense of purpose are key factors in promoting healthy aging and well-being after 50.


10. Embracing change and adaptability are essential skills for navigating life after 50, as this phase often brings new challenges and opportunities for growth and reinvention.


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