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Finding the Perfect Place to Call Home: Insights from the Skiptown All-Stars



For many, the dream of owning a home in a desirable location with a strong sense of community is a major life goal. However, the realities of the real estate market can often put a damper on those dreams, with limited inventory and high prices in coveted areas. James and Denise, the hosts of the Skiptown All-Stars podcast, have been on a quest to find their perfect hometown for over a year and a half. In a recent episode, they had a candid discussion about their experiences, challenges, and predictions for the housing market in 2024.


The Challenge of Limited Inventory

One of the biggest obstacles James and Denise have encountered in their search is the lack of available homes in their desired locations and price range. They spent a month in Guilford, Connecticut, a charming town that ticked many of their boxes. However, they were disappointed to find only two houses on the market that fit their budget, neither of which met their criteria. As Denise put it, "Why would we pick a place that is so difficult to get a home?"


This sentiment is one that many house hunters can relate to, particularly in popular areas where demand far outstrips supply. James and Denise realized that after searching the entire country, it didn't make sense to settle on a location where they would have to wait indefinitely for the right home to become available.


Abundant Options in Unexpected Places

In contrast to the scarcity of homes in Guilford, James and Denise were pleasantly surprised by the plentiful options in places like Covington, Kentucky, and Knoxville and Chattanooga, Tennessee. These cities, while perhaps not initially on their radar, offered a wide variety of homes in their price range.


Denise noted that a quick search on real estate websites yielded an abundance of listings in these areas, making the process of finding a home much easier. This is a valuable lesson for house hunters: sometimes, the perfect place might be one you hadn't previously considered.


The Importance of Community

Beyond the logistics of finding a suitable home, James and Denise emphasized the importance of feeling welcomed by the local community. They shared anecdotes of the warm reception they received in Covington, where locals went out of their way to sell them on the merits of the area. As James put it, "If you're getting a bunch of invites to events or come to this or come to that... It feels good."


This sense of community is crucial for those looking to put down roots in a new place. Feeling like you belong and can contribute to the local culture can make all the difference in turning a house into a true home.


Compromising on Must-Haves

Throughout their search, James and Denise have had to reevaluate their list of must-haves for their dream home. While they initially hoped for ample acreage, they've come to realize that this might not be feasible if they also want to be close to the action in a vibrant town or city.


Denise admitted that she's become more flexible on certain criteria, like giving up a large yard in favor of being in a walkable, downtown area. This willingness to compromise is key to finding a home that balances your wants and needs with the realities of the market.


Current Contenders and Deal-Breakers

As of the episode's recording, James and Denise revealed their current top choices for their new hometown. Savannah, Georgia remains a frontrunner, though concerns about affordability within the city limits persist. Covington, Kentucky is a strong contender, with its welcoming community and ample inventory. Chattanooga and Knoxville, Tennessee are also on the shortlist, offering a mix of natural beauty, cultural attractions, and available homes.


However, some non-negotiables remain. Denise shared that living in a planned development where houses are too close together is a deal-breaker, as they don't want to feel like they're back in their former home in Los Angeles. Being within 90 minutes of an airport, even a smaller regional one, is another must-have.


Predictions for the 2024 Real Estate Market

Looking ahead to the rest of 2024, James and Denise shared their predictions for the most affordable places to buy a house. They expect smaller cities and towns to continue to be more budget-friendly than major metropolitan areas. Places like Covington, Knoxville, and Chattanooga are likely to remain attractive options, with their combination of livability and affordability.


However, they also noted that the market is always changing, and that being open to unexpected possibilities is crucial. As Denise wisely stated, "I feel like the journey's not over when I thought it was gonna be over." This sentiment likely rings true for many house hunters, who may find their perfect place in a location they never would have predicted.



James and Denise's honest conversation about their home search journey offers valuable insights for anyone looking to buy a house in the coming year. By remaining open to new possibilities, compromising on some wants in favor of must-haves, and prioritizing a welcoming community, they are well on their way to finding their forever home.


Their experiences serve as a reminder that the perfect place might not be where you initially expected, and that being flexible and adaptable is key to navigating the ever-changing real estate market. As we look ahead to the rest of 2024, their predictions and hard-won wisdom offer a roadmap for finding an affordable and fulfilling place to call home.


10 Predictions for Most Affordable Places to Buy a House in 2024:


1. Covington, Kentucky

2. Knoxville, Tennessee

3. Chattanooga, Tennessee

4. Greenville, South Carolina

5. Savannah, Georgia (outside city limits)

6. Milwaukee, Wisconsin

7. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

8. Laurel, Mississippi

9. Auburn, Alabama

10. Litchfield, Connecticut (pending increased inventory)


Consensus on Real Estate Market in America for Next Year:

Based on current trends and expert analysis, the general consensus for the US housing market in 2024 is that it will continue to cool off from the frenzied pace of recent years. Interest rates are expected to remain elevated compared to the historic lows seen in 2020-2021, which will likely dampen demand and slow price growth.


However, the market is not predicted to crash, as underlying factors like demographics, job growth, and limited housing supply in desirable areas will prevent a major downturn. Affordability will remain a challenge in many major metropolitan areas, leading more buyers to consider smaller cities and towns that offer a lower cost of living and more bang for their buck in terms of housing.


Regional markets will continue to vary, with some areas experiencing more significant price corrections than others. The shift towards remote work will likely continue to drive demand in suburban and rural areas that offer more space and a lower price point than urban centers.


Overall, the 2024 housing market is shaping up to be one that favors patient, flexible buyers who are willing to explore new locations and adapt to changing conditions. While challenges remain, opportunities will also abound for those who are open to them.


The 100th Episode!


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