Bert F***ing Stewart
One of our first listeners bet us we’d never heard of Covington, KY. And he was f***ing right.
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Our first few episodes dropped and we also had a guest appearance on LeeAnn Kreischer's Wife of the Party podcast. That show introduced us to LeeAnn's fans but one applauding voice was louder than all the others.
Bert F***ing Stewart from Covington, Kentucky.
Bert heard our WotP episode and dropped a very detailed argument on why The Gordons should consider both Yellow Springs, OH (read: Dave Chappelle's town) and especially Covington, KY where he and his wife Jen live. He also gave his thoughts on whether we should "bleep" curse words in future STAS episodes since, while Denise and James are certainly no angels, they HAVE been trying to protect your beautiful little childrens' ears up to this point with the standard television "bleep" when needed.
So... if a guy is going to not only follow us from Day 1... and give us such a solid pitch for a place we've never even heard of... we'd be idiots not to get him on the show, right? Even though we were stumbling through Salt Lake City at the time, James was able to catch Bert for a Zoom and they talked at length about what Covington and the stretch of towns just across the Ohio River from Cincinnati had to offer... AND if you follow us on social media you know there is a BIG PAYOFF to this episode coming.
Little did we know this interview with Bert F***ing Stewart would actually come full circle in a few weeks. That episode is coming, but for now enjoy Bert's pitch that got the ball rolling!
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