Laurel, Mississippi: Don't Clutch Your Pearls, Roll Up Your Sleeves
Don’t sleep on this little town. Before you know it, you won’t be able to move there.
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For someone who never watches HGTV, Denise sure knows A LOT about the hosts of their shows. James knew nothing about Laurel, Mississippi or the show "Home Town," but you best believe he knew Erin and Ben Napier's names by heart by the time we left!
Our first night in this growing town was overshadowed by a grungy hotel in a not-so-great area, but charming Downtown Laurel awaited us the next morning. We were greeted by a few locals, Landon and Kate Bryant, who are the geniuses behing the Southern-centric, uber-successful @landontalks channels on TikTok and Instagram. We all piled into their car for our own special tour of the neighborhoods around Laurel and it certainly did not disappoint.
Tell your "mom 'n them" that what we found in Laurel was a new surprise around every corner. Here lies a town that is charming, ripe with potential and overflowing with civic pride. Spoiler alert: Our prediction is that, in 5 years, some people are going to be REALLY glad they put skin in the Laurel game.
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