The PATH to the 201: Jersey City with Patrick Mason
The Jersey City download you didn’t know you even needed… courtesy of Youngstown State’s best and brightest!
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One of the greatest aspects of our last year of travel has been meeting new people and FINALLY having the freedom to visit all the old friends and family we've been "meaning to" over the years. This week, we sit down with James' college buddy and Gordon family fixture, Patrick Mason, in his Jersey City crib. You've heard us mention how he always calls to correct our grammar and fact-check us... always leaving us with a renewed commitment to making him proud.
This week he's with us to break down the explosive growth Jersey City has seen over the past few decades... is it "the 6th Borough"? Patrick cuts through the noise on the real estate statistics and drops a lot of bonus info on the neighboring town of Hoboken, too. Enjoy!
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