Presbyterian College: Chip, Andy and the Mighty Blue Hose

“Wow. And I thought the Youngstown State Penguin was an epically poor mascot decision.”


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Today we've got a sports fans delight... Chip Porter, author of the book, "The Southern Massacre," which is a story about the 1979 Presbyterian College Blue Hose Football Team. Chip's friend, Andy Forrest, also joins us and the two gentlemen give us a first-hand account of how this small college team upended the college football world with grit, a little luck and an other-worldly performance by a backup quarterback. What is a Blue Hose? The people of Clinton, SC know. Chip and Andy are here to guide was through what it means to be Presbyterian College alumni, how Chip recaptured the spirit and glory of that magical season as a first-time author and what's he's working on next!

You can find Chip's book here:

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