James Gordon James Gordon

The Keys for a Killer Weekend Getaway: The Florida Keys

Way back when we left Los Angeles, the plan was to drive from Seattle until we hit The Keys but (as you all know) we had to stop down when Hurricane Ian was sweeping through Florida. Since then, one thing after another has prevented us from reaching the paradise that exists right at the very tip of the continental U.S.

Well, we ran FINALLY out of obstacles and excuses... and at last we were able to head out on a weekend getaway to Key West. Our friends Carly and Mike from the West Coast also made the trip and we were amped to pick them up outside of Miami along the way.

From the anti-corporate vibe of Islamorada to the unwinding views from Seven Mile Bridge, our 4 days in the gateway to the Caribbean were as epic as they were expensive. Denise found a pirate hideaway and James found a way not to tip the sea kayak. Grab yourself a colada and kick back while we lay out the ups and downs of our journey to the Florida Keys!

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