Cape Cod, MA: The Chatham Plunge & The Kennedy Haters

A Winter Wonderland in Cape Cod: Glamping, Polar Plunges, and Kennedy History


Cape Cod, a picturesque peninsula jutting out into the Atlantic Ocean, is a beloved summer destination for many. But what happens when you visit this New England gem during the off-season? In this episode of Skip Town All-Stars, hosts Denise and James take us on a winter adventure filled with laughter, learning, and a few chilly surprises.


The journey begins in Chatham, a charming town in the heart of Cape Cod, where Denise and James have the unique opportunity to go glamping with one of their listeners, Donna. Despite the cold weather, they enjoy the cozy accommodations and Donna's warm hospitality. As they explore the area, they discover that even in the off-season, Chatham's downtown is a delight, with its quaint shops, local pottery, and iconic lighthouse.


But the real challenge comes when Donna introduces them to the world of polar plunges. James, who claims to be a seasoned polar plunger, finds himself facing the icy waters of a local lake. With Donna's guidance and encouragement, he braves the 38-degree water for a full two minutes, feeling the cold seep into his bones. Not one to back down, James later takes on the ocean, lasting an impressive four minutes and experiencing a strange sensation of "cold flashes" long after emerging from the water.


As they continue their Cape Cod adventure, Denise and James make their way to Provincetown, a vibrant and inclusive community at the tip of the peninsula. They marvel at the compact houses, some as small as 600 square feet, with price tags of $400,000 or more. The couple also stops by the Truro Winery, where they enjoy a generous wine tasting experience and James even samples some local whiskey.


One of the highlights of their trip is a visit to the Kennedy Compound in Hyannis Port. As they drive by the sprawling estate, they catch a rare glimpse through the open gates, revealing a majestic flag and a White House-like facade. Denise, ever the curious traveler, strikes up a conversation with a local shop owner, hoping to glean some insights into life with the famous political family nearby. To her surprise, the woman seems unimpressed, describing the Kennedys as "entitled" and brushing off any mention of press attention.


Throughout the episode, Denise and James share funny anecdotes and observations about their travels. They discuss the challenges of being on the road together, with James feeling like he's constantly at Denise's beck and call when he's in the passenger seat. The couple also reminisces about their past experiences with toll roads, particularly the strict system in Orange County, California, which left them with hundreds of dollars in fines for minor infractions.


As the episode draws to a close, Denise and James reflect on their Cape Cod experience. While they enjoyed the beauty and history of the area, they admit that the slow pace and limited off-season activities might not be the best fit for their current lifestyle. However, they express gratitude for the opportunity to explore a new place, connect with a listener, and create lasting memories together.


This episode of Skip Town All-Stars offers a delightful escape to Cape Cod, providing listeners with a mix of humor, history, and insider tips. From the challenges of glamping in the cold to the thrill of a polar plunge, Denise and James's adventures will leave you laughing, learning, and perhaps even inspired to plan your own off-season getaway.


10 Fun Facts about Cape Cod:


1. Cape Cod is home to the oldest operating lighthouse in the United States, the Highland Light, which was built in 1797.

2. The Cape Cod National Seashore, established in 1961 by President John F. Kennedy, stretches across 40 miles of pristine beaches, ponds, and marshes.

3. The Pilgrims first landed on Cape Cod in 1620 before settling in Plymouth.

4. Cape Cod is known for its delicious seafood, particularly its lobster rolls, clam chowder, and oysters.

5. The Cape Cod Canal, which separates the peninsula from the mainland, is the widest sea-level canal in the world.

6. Provincetown, located at the tip of Cape Cod, is known for its vibrant LGBTQ+ community and is considered the birthplace of American theater.

7. The Kennedy Compound in Hyannis Port has been a summer retreat for the famous political family for over 90 years.

8. Guglielmo Marconi, the inventor of the wireless telegraph, sent the first transatlantic wireless message from Cape Cod in 1903.

9. Cape Cod is home to numerous celebrity residents, including Taylor Swift, who owns a beachfront mansion in Hyannis Port.

10. The movie "Jaws," released in 1975, was filmed primarily on Martha's Vineyard, an island located just south of Cape Cod.


10 Facts about the Kennedy Family:


1. The Kennedy family patriarch, Joseph P. Kennedy Sr., made his fortune in banking, stock trading, and the movie industry before entering politics.

2. John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, was the second oldest of nine children born to Joseph and Rose Kennedy.

3. JFK's younger brothers, Robert F. Kennedy and Edward "Ted" Kennedy, both served as U.S. Senators and were prominent figures in American politics.

4. In 1969, Ted Kennedy was involved in a car accident on Chappaquiddick Island, which resulted in the death of his passenger, Mary Jo Kopechne. The incident has been a source of controversy and speculation for decades.

5. JFK's daughter, Caroline Kennedy, served as the U.S. Ambassador to Japan from 2013 to 2017.

6. The Kennedy family is often referred to as "America's Royal Family" due to their political influence, wealth, and glamorous image.

7. Jacqueline Kennedy, JFK's wife, was known for her iconic sense of style and her efforts to restore and preserve the White House.

8. The Kennedy family has been plagued by numerous tragedies, including the assassinations of JFK and RFK, as well as the untimely deaths of several other family members.

9. The Kennedys are known for their philanthropy, supporting causes such as education, health care, and the arts through organizations like the Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. Foundation and the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Foundation.

10. In 2020, Robert F. Kennedy's grandson, Joe Kennedy III, unsuccessfully ran for the U.S. Senate in Massachusetts, marking a new generation of Kennedys entering the political arena.


SWAPCAST: Lisa Andrews from This Travel Tribe


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